Joining Info

The procedure for joining the Royal Order of Scotland is much the same as for any other masonic fraternity. Some Provinces of our Order have minor variations in their membership requirements. In the South Eastern Counties, the prerequisites are that you must be a Christian Freemasons with five years membership of a Craft Lodge and be in good standing (i.e. you are not in arrears with any subscriptions etc). Also, if you wish to join our Province, you should already be a member of at least one other Christian Order. Normally this would be from the Antient and Accepted Rite (often known as the Rose Croix), the Knight Templars (KT) or the Red Cross of Constantine (RCC). There is no need to have Scottish ancestry nor for you to wear a kilt, though many of our members are and do!

It is always better if you already know a member of the Royal Order to ask them about joining. Alternatively, you can contact our Provincial Secretary (whose details are on the main page for our website), who will arrange to discuss the Order with you and why you wish to join. You will need to be proposed, seconded and of course there will be a ballot taken before you can join in with our delightful ceremony. The annual costs are modest and there is a small joining fee. You will also need the regalia of the Order (which can be supplied by the Province) and you will be advised of the costs ahead of the meeting.

Lastly, please remember that we meet at several locations across Surrey and Sussex. While many members try and attend all our meetings, some prefer to attend less often and when the meetings are nearer to their home or work.